Main goal

The project aims to reduce the carbon intensity of the activities and services of Parque Adão Barata (PAB), in Loures, through the implementation of innovative technological solutions. In the Park, activities that promote the adoption of sustainable pract


Reduce the carbon intensity of Parque Adão Barata's activities and services through the implementation of innovative technological solutions


Empower the entire value chain, with a view to promoting active citizenship


Raise awareness among the population about the benefits of adopting sustainable lifestyles


Involve the entire community in the development of technologies, enhancing their rapid appropriation

What we propose to accomplish




  • Water efficiency, through the installation of an intelligent irrigation system;
  • Waste management, through a sustainable waste management plan and the promotion of its recovery;
  • Air quality management, using the installation of a sensing system;
  • Management of green spaces by increasing the carbon sequestration potential of the PAB.


  • Technological support infrastructures capable of providing information on traffic and mobility with the aim of reducing the influx of cars within the PAB perimeter and promoting smooth mobility;
  • Smart Parking – where electromagnetic sensors will be installed that will detect the presence of a vehicle per parking space;
  • Bike accounting and sensing infrastructure and smooth mobility promotion.


  • Renewable energy community through a photovoltaic production plant and a smart metering system and management platform, with a view to reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions.


  • “Building Information Modeling” with IoT, enriching an advanced management model for the “Palácio Marqueses Praia e Monforte” building, contributing to the reduction of the building's carbon footprint.


  • Experience of the laboratory in an innovative and sustainable way in an inclusive and resilient space, seeking to improve the quality of life of citizens and communities;
  • Aggregation and communication platforms for all the information generated, involving companies, local businesses, authorities, schools, universities and citizens;
  • Disclosure of all products developed, nationally and internationally.