Activities in the Adão Barata Park in Loures
Students from local schools invest in their environmental training.

12 May. 2023
In line with the project "PAB_LivingLab – Vive a decarbonização no Parque Adão Barata ", the AIDGLOBAL team promoted, between March 8 and April 28, a set of activities, with a view to adopting good environmental practices.
The target audience of this initiative were 421 students and their teachers, mostly from the 8th year of the schools of the Municipality of Loures — Escola General Humberto Delgado, Escola Basica Gaspar Correia, Escola Secundária da Portela, Escola Secundária José Cardoso Pires, Escola Basica de Santa Iria de Azoia and Escola EB 2,3 João Villaret.
Within the scope of the Project Work of the classes in reference on the theme “Green Spaces”, the students were invited to participate in a game, with the purpose of becoming aware of how to be more environmentally friendly, adopting good habits and transforming them into actions and also to make known to visitors to the Adão Barata Park (PAB) the green interventions that have been carried out on site. Through the hands of the young students, materials were produced that will be part of a Treecaching that will allow the public that goes to PAB to identify and discover new species of trees planted as they walk through the Park.
In this context, the action focused on meeting objectives such as: Recognizing the importance of urban green spaces; Becoming aware of the need to adopt behaviors aimed at adaptation and mitigation in relation to climate change; Adopting more sustainable behaviors and practices; Recognizing the use of renewable energies, particularly solar energy to promote energy efficiency as one of the pillars for energy sustainability; Knowing innovative technological solutions for reducing carbon intensity in the Adão Barata Park (PAB) and Relating the promotion of sustainable mobility and climate action.
At the end of the meeting and activities, a teacher responsible for each class signed a record of attendance and evaluation of the sessions that, in general, were positive and denoted youthful expectations of future intervention. They appreciated the dynamism of the sessions and how, through games and challenges, students were able to reflect and actively participate. Some teachers have been reinforcing the need to continue this type of initiatives, in order to consolidate learning and foster an environmental and sustainable awareness
PAB_LivingLab – Vive a decarbonização no Parque Adão Barata is a project that runs from May 1, 2021 to April 30, 2024, financed by the Environment Program of the EEA Grants, has as its promoting entity AIDGLOBAL – Action and Integration for Global Development –, and as partners Loures City Council, Instituto Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon, bim+, dstsolar and Innovation Point.