Adão Barata Park receives Workshop on Sustainable Purchases

26 Oct. 2022

On 20th October, a Workshop aimed at companies and commercial catering establishments took place at the Palácio dos Marqueses da Praia e Monforte, in Loures. The objective was to raise awareness among the target public for the adoption of more sustainable behaviour that will enable them to promote not only innovation and the development of more ecological and socially responsible products and services but also better management of the waste produced, minimising the environmental impacts resulting from their activity.

The meeting was promoted by AIDGLOBAL, Câmara Municipal de Loures and Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa (IST) that shared reflections around the various themes of sustainability, inherent to the areas of Catering and Tourism that integrated the program structure of the Workshop.

Around 32 participants were invited, including representatives of the local commerce and students of the Technical courses of Hospitality and Tourism of the Secondary Schools of Camarate, José Cardoso Pires and Maria Keil.

The session began with the intervention of the Municipality of Loures, represented by Ana Gaiolas, who made known all the axes of intervention of “PAB_LivingLab”, focusing on Circular Economy and Environment, Sustainable Mobility, Energy, Buildings and Living Lab, referring some of the activities that have already been and will be carried out under the project.

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Next, Alexandra Viana da Silva, president of K-Evolution, addressed the issue of promoting sustainable development in Tourism as a crucial way to ensure and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), towards a fairer and more equal world.

Tiago Faria, from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), presented the “Guide of Good Practices for Sustainable Procurement” which addresses, on the one hand, the importance of sustainability, in environmental, economic and social dimensions, the way we move, highlighting the choice of suppliers and transport, the mitigation of food waste, the use of packaging and disposable materials, the management of infrastructure for better water and energy efficiency.

During the session, Mônica Barroso, AIDGLOBAL Project Officer, shared with those present the results of a Survey that contemplated 217 people, all of them visitors of the Adão Barata Park, which aimed to analyse their predisposition and gather opinions on their interest for more sustainable habits and/or shopping choices.

The final result of this meeting led to the recognition that people are increasingly aware of the consequences of Climate Change, which, in turn, leads them to adopt behaviours that reduce their ecological footprint on the environment.

PAB_LivingLab – Vive a descarbonização no Parque Adão Barata (PAB_LivingLab – Experiencing decarbonization in Adão Barata Park) is a project that runs from May 1, 2021 to April 30, 2024, financed by the Environment Program of the EEA Grants, whose promoting entity is AIDGLOBAL – Ação e Integração para o Desenvolvimento Global (AIDGLOBAL – Action and Integration for Global Development)–, and as partners the Municipality of Loures, the Instituto Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon, bim+, dstsolar and Innovation Point.