In Portugal, there is one more Pedagogical Kit on Environmental Sustainability
The material was launched by Oikos - Cooperation and Development in collaboration with Zero - Association for a Sustainable Earth System and is under the theme of environmental sustainability in the perspective of Circular Economy.
04 Mar. 2022
Last March 2nd, AIDGLOBAL participated in the launching of the pedagogical kit CaixAmbiente, created and edited by Oikos - Cooperation and Development, under its work of Education for Global Citizenship, in collaboration with Zero - Sustainable Earth System Association and the support of Caixa Geral de Depósitos, through the Caixa Social Award.
According to Oikos, "this pedagogical kit proposes a practical use by teachers and students of the third cycle of basic education, allowing the participatory and engaging approach of essential issues in the training of young people who, in the future, will have an active role in Portuguese and global society, motivating students to act".
The initiative focused on discussing the reasons that motivated the Organisations to create this support material and which emerge associated to the climate crisis the world is experiencing. Having sustainable models to transmit to future generations and starting now to build a more participative and conscious society are two of the objectives underlying the launch of this material.
The Kit is composed of a support guide for teachers through which it is possible to find a set of theoretical information on the subject, examples of practical activities that may be developed by the classes and a game on circular economy.
According to Marilena Martucci, volunteer and representative of AIDGLOBAL in this initiative, "the idea that the responsibility for reducing carbon emissions is of each citizen and that the choices we make every day, in terms of consumption, are crucial and can make a difference, crossed the entire event, having been highlighted in the final message.
On the day that Oikos and ZERO - Association for a Sustainable Earth System presented the CaixAmbiente educational kit, the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA), gathered in Nairobi, Kenya, approved a proposal that will be the platform for the establishment of a Global Plastics Treaty, a binding instrument covering the entire life cycle of plastics (production, distribution, use and final disposal).
The decision determines that this Treaty must be created by 2024 and plastic will, from that date, be officially considered as a threat to the environment.