Municipality of Loures promotes Sustainable Mobility Under the project PAB_LivingLab
Workshops that teach citizens how to ride a bike without neglecting its maintenance are one of the activities that aim to mobilise citizens to adopt behaviours compatible with sustainable development.
07 Apr. 2022
Between April 2022 and March 2024, the Municipality of Loures promotes a set of sustainable mobility workshops developed within the scope of the project, “PAB_LivingLab – Vive a descarbonização no Parque Adão Barata”.
The activity is part of the larger objective around which the project is built. It seeks to reduce the carbon impact of the enterprises and services of Parque Adão Barata (PAB) in Loures, thus contributing to the decarbonisation and the consequent independence from fossil fuels by 2050: a priority objective to which Portugal is committed in line with the Roadmap for Carbon Neutrality 2050.
In the context of the above mentioned sustainable mobility workshops, the residents of Loures will have the opportunity to learn how to ride a bicycle and understand how they can arrange it in the event of a breakdown, contributing to its maintenance, free of charge. The initiative will be underway for the next two years, always on the first Saturday of each month, between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. In July, November and March, the first Saturday will be dedicated to those who want to learn how to maintain their bike.
According to the Portuguese Environment Agency, the transport sector “represents about 25% of GHG emissions and approximately 75% of the total consumption of oil and products derived from it, making it urgent and essential for citizens to adopt conscious and sustainable behaviours, along with the investments made and planned in the field of the development of public transport systems in their site, in the consolidation of light rail and metro networks, in the decarbonisation of the public transport fleet and urban logistics, in support of electric mobility and the promotion of active mobility, namely through the National Program for the Interconnection of Municipal Cyclable Networks”.
The complementarity of the use of public transport with smooth means of transportation, among which the bicycle stands out. The need to create alternatives to an individual motorised vehicle becomes increasingly relevant. The Sustainable Mobility Workshop promoted under the PAB_LivingLab project seeks to offer an option through education and training of citizens in environmental matters, making them aware of adopting behaviours compatible with sustainable development.
In the context of the PAB_LivingLab project, Parque Adão Barata in Loures, a space where these workshops take place, will be the stage for implementing innovative technological solutions and promoting a set of activities aimed at promoting the adoption of sustainable practices by its visitors.
PAB_LivingLab – Vive a decarbonização no Parque Adão Barata is a project that runs from May 1, 2021, to April 30, 2024, financed by the Environment Program of the EEA Grants, has as its promoting entity AIDGLOBAL – Action and Integration for Global Development –, and as partners Loures City Council, Instituto Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon, bim+, dstsolar and Innovation Point.