Official Visit of the EEA Grants at the Adão Barata Park

18 Oct. 2023

A historic milestone for the "PAB_LivingLab – Vive a descarbonização no Parque Adão Barata" project will undoubtedly be the visit to the Park (PAB) scheduled for the afternoon of 18.10.2023, with the aim of bearing witness to the actions implemented to better tackle Climate Change and spread a culture of Environmental Education and Sustainability.

The Deputy Coordinator of the National Management Unit, Maria João Carapeto, the entity responsible for implementing the EEA Grants, the Financial Mechanism Office (FMO) and the partner of the donor countries, Innovation Norway, will visit the Adão Barata Park (PAB) in Loures, where they will be received by Councillor Nuno Dias of Loures City Council. Environment and Energy Programme Operators from other EEA Grantee Countries - Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Greece, Croatia, Poland, Slovenia and Czechia - will join the delegation.

This visit is a unique occasion for AIDGLOBAL and the partner organizations of the project to make known, in person, the Living Laboratory, where energy efficiency and the good use of resources have been promoted, to improve the urban logistics system, through smooth mobility and community involvement around the Park, create the foundations for a sustainable urban environment and resilient to Climate Change.
See the full visit schedule here​.
As part of the project, which began in 2021 and will end in 2024, several initiatives have been developed that are intrinsically associated with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), provided for in the 2030 Agenda, and which not only show a valuable contribution to combating Climate Change but also constitute the guarantee that Portugal is on the path to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.
“Working together for a green Europe” is the slogan of “PAB_LivingLab”, insofar as it configures a project framed in the area of the Environment and has as its financing entity the EEA Grants, which provide a multiannual financial mechanism, established through the European Economic Area Agreement. It is therefore within the EEA Grants Fund that Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway financially support the Member States, including Portugal.